iGaging or PEC 4" Double Square

I’d been wanting a 4” double square for a while.  They just look cool and I thought perhaps they’d be useful.  Little did I know that I now reach for this handy little tool more than just about any other measuring device.

Some time ago I splurged for the 12” Starett combination square.  So when it came time to purchase a 4” double square I also thought of Starett quality, but at around $65, I couldn’t come to terms with such a big price for so little a square.  So, for less than $15, including shipping, I found the iGaging. (Since I bought mine the price has increased by a few bucks.)  And the overall verdict?  Because of its accuracy and ease of use, the iGaging 4" double square is a wonderful little tool.  That said, it does have its flaws. Its biggest problem is that the blade wobbles around inside the slot - no matter how hard you tighten the knob; It just isn’t engineered with the precision one might want. Also, the rule is printed, not engraved. Additionally the fit and finish isn’t great; you might want to take some fine sandpaper to the edges of the body so that it feels comfortable in your hand. Another problem - one that I wasn’t even fully aware of until I got the PEC - the body is not 1” x ½", but rather fractionally larger in each dimension - a decided inconvenience.  In fact, the rule is also wider than the PEC, making this tool a bit bulkier overall than the PEC.  With all of this in mind, it’s been a nice little square, especially considering what I paid for it, but it could use some improvement.

The PEC, on the other hand, is great,  While at least twice as expensive as the iGaging, at around $34 including shipping, the improvements are worth it.  It feels good in your hand right out of the box without doing any additional work.  There is no slop between the blade and the slot.  The rule is engraved, not printed.  And, the dimensions of the body are exactly 1” x ½”.  Because of these improvements, I’m glad I now have the PEC.  It's just a nicer tool.

So while the iGaging is good  (it will now go in my main tool kit for use in the field,) the PEC will now be my main go-to square for in-shop use.
